Google is the most popular search engine in the U.S. and for good reason. They have spent a fortune trying to create a search engine that supplies the best results, quickly. As a marketer in the digital age, it is important to understand Google'sbackground and where they plan on moving
Reason Why Google So Popular and the best search engine?
Today, many users believe that Google is the quickest and most reliable search engine for many reasons. A study done in 2012 showed that 69.5% of users’ searches were done using Google, with Bing coming in second place at 25%. Google is also the main search engine used on mobile devices and tablets.
There are many reasons for Google’s popularity. The Google homepage is very simple, easy to use, and loads quickly. It provides users with better results than any other search engine and can find a lot of information quickly. For instance, a student who wants to learn more about “famous basketball players” can type those keywords into the search engine and find detailed information within minutes.
Google has become a part of our social culture. Over many years, Google has gained popularity in our society. It has been mentioned in many TV shows and movies and is considered to be a part of our “pop culture.” It has become common for someone to say, “Just Google it” to read more about a topic.
Google shows fewer ads on its homepage than its competitors, Bing and Yahoo. The ads Google shows are more related to its users’ interests. Displaying fewer ads gives Google an advantage over Yahoo and Bing because its pages are easier to read.
Google is extremely good at ranking sites in order of their relevance to users. It places value on sites that can link to other pages with similar information. The more popular sites that link to your page, the better the chance that your website contains useful information.
Another major factor is Google Maps, which can be used as both a desktop and mobile map service. Google Maps lets people view street maps and images shot from a satellite view and also gives them a street view perspective from up to four different types of transportation (auto, public, bicycle, on foot.)
The recent invention of Google or G-talk gives office workers a more convenient and direct way to communicate on the job.
This popular search engine also lets computer users have free access to their rising YouTube channel. Over the last few years, Google has become a hot spot for people who enjoy watching and posting original videos on the internet. As an example of this growth, Google has branched out by creating their own email system named Gmail, which is commonly used on cell phones and other new mobile devices